As a local supplier with a global perspective SPAR is offering a wide assortment of goods at the best price-performance ratio with a constant drive to tell the SPAR stories behind the brand. Thus we need to inspire our customers every day with a communication that is focusing on our core values as well as on product innovations.
The invidual country organizations of SPAR Austria-group regularly exchange their ideas and references for advertising campaigns and marketing activities. With respect to local and national needs successful communication strategies are being multiplied resulting in achiving economies of scale and to enhance and strengthen the brand awareness.
In the fields of promotion and marketing, SPAR relies on sensational price and cult campaigns. This is an area characterized by especially intense information exchange between the SPAR countries North-East Italy, Slovenia, Hungary and Croatia. In view of the generally tense situation in Europe, SPAR realized that consumers were reacting increasingly to campaigns and price-aggressive promotion in all countries. The cool private label S-BUDGET proved to be the perfect response. The cool S-BUDGET advertising medium, the small purse called “Börserl”, was the star in all the national campaigns.
Campaigns are mostly performed on a multi-national scale, with the communication solution partially to fully tailored to the individual country. Examples for international campaigns are the introduction of the private labels S-BUDGET, SPAR Vital, SPAR free from and SPAR PREMIUM. These product ranges are to be found on the shelves of SPAR and INTERSPAR markets in Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary and Northern Italy.