ASPIAG Payment Services

ASPIAG carries out payment transactions for the national organizations in Hungary, Northern Italy, Slovenia and Croatia and their suppliers.



The ASPIAG services for you as a supplier of the SPAR national organizations include many interrelated services. They improve the efficiency of your processes and reduce your costs for financing, accounting and administration.

ASPIAG Services – ASPIAG Service Contract (ASC)

Del Credere Payment Guarantee

This payment guarantee extends to all invoices that have been approved by the respective SPAR organization. If an approved invoice has not been paid 45 days after the due date, ASPIAG will pay the pending sum in full. This guarantee is also an important advantage for SPAR suppliers when discussing financing with credit institutions.

Electronic Remittance Advice

The advance dispatch of electronic remittance advices helps suppliers carry out early payment reconciliation. This significantly reduces their administrative overhead for payment tracking and helps them plan cash flow to minimize external financing costs.

Electronic Archiving

Suppliers have access to electronic remittance advice data. The electronic archiving service provides an efficient record keeping system and allows the easy tracking of remittance advices. You can access remittance advice data back to the point of time at which ASPIAG introduced electronic remittance advices.

Electronic Data Transfer (EDT)

EDT gives you a maximum of flexibility by allowing them to directly export payment data in any of the following formats:

  • PDF
  • CSV

ASPIAG Vendor Discounting (AVD)

This service allows you to discount your receivables to access your funds – anytime, anywhere. You gain additional access to capital, enabling them to leverage our group's credit rating and credit line.

The ASPIAG Vendor Discounting (AVD) web platform makes payment streams transparent. This enables you to optimize your cash flow management and so reduce the need for external financing. Administrative costs are effectively minimized.